Monday, December 7, 2009

Birthday WOD signup - ההרשמה לאימון היומולדת שלי בעיצומה

So far, we have 6 people signed up for sure to the Birhday WOD on 22 December
עד עכשיו יש לנו 5 אנשים באים על בטוח ב-22 לדצמבר:

Omry - עומרי
Zvika - צביקה
Dael - דעאל
Koby - קובי
Sam - סאם
Ian - איאן

Where is everyone - איפה כולם?


  1. Planning to be there.
    Moran - מורן

  2. Planning to be there
    Saggi - שגיא

  3. Dude, I'll be there. I'll try to bring some folks along too. I thought I posted here a while ago. Woops! See ya'll there! FYI, I started OPT's big dawg program and the 22nd is a double WoD day for me, if I do this too it'll be a triple WoD day. Holy shit!

  4. Hey Ian
    also bringing a couple of guys, around 2 - 3

  5. Hi Ian,
    I guess you missed my comment.
    I'm going to be there, I have no equipment to bring but a jump rope.
