Friday, April 23, 2010

Blast from the with bumpers...

Sam Blank - how ya doing bro? Good to see you are still around and coming back to Israel! We will definitely get together for a WOD...which will be even better since I now have bumper plates!! Thank you Rogue Fitness by way of Omry Peled! What a difference: no fear of going overrhead since I can drop them, no worries about stressing my back in the eccentric phase of lifts...awesome.
One of the things I always needed to do, but never could, was figure out my real 5RM, 3RM and 1 RM with overhead lifts; I knew that once I got the bumpers that needed to be the first thing on my "to-do" list.
So I did, and here they are:

Shoulder Press
5 RM -  55 kg (110#)
3 RM - lost the note I wrote this on
1 RM - 65 kg (130#)

Push Press
5 RM - 55 kg (110#)
3 RM - 65 kg (130#)
1 RM - 75kg (150#)

Push Jerk
** note: form sucked on this, it really needs work
5 RM - 55 kg (110#)
3 RM - 65 kg (130#)
1 RM - 75kg (150#)

As we all know, there should be a linear progression with the weight as more hip drive is present in these lift progressions. Something to think about....

To make sure I didnt feel like I didn't do enough work, here's an interesting little WOD I cooked up to end the day.

3 Rounds for time:
  • 30 metre suicide run (see here for explanation)
  • 12 KBS @ 18 kg
  • Agility ladder drill
  • 8 DL @ 70 kg (140#)
Round #1 - 1:54
Round #2 - 2:06
Round #3 - 2:15
Post times and thoughts to comments.


  1. hey ian, im doing great. i found some crossfiters up at my college so i've been keeping busy.

    how've you been doing? its good to see you're crossfitting again. I look forward to the bumper plates.

  2. forgot to mention, your training sessions were bad ass and honeslty i would never be at the level i’m at now if it wasn’t for you. I’ve been following CF football religiously ever since i left Israel and i’m making some nice gains. -- It’s all about proper form!!

    I also found some crossfiters at my college and we’ve been hitting up some intense wods.. we did the Hero wod Jason just the other day and i literally can't move.

    anyway, I look forward to kicking some ass with those bumper plates.
